Sunday, September 27, 2009

Twilight By Stephenie Meyer

Interested by all the hoopla surrounding Twilight, I wondered if I should read it. I could read the book or watch the move, but I wasn’t going to do both. Movies rarely live up to the book, but they are usually good on their own terms. In anycase, I never read a book and watch the movie. Up until that point, I hadn’t read Twilight because I felt it would be just another paranormal romance, but without the sex.

The book started out well – the opening scene about her mother and her reasons for moving. It made me think she had a terrible mother. I suppose she did.

But than she started school, met Edward and the book slowed down to a crawl. To be fair, Twilight didn’t begin with a bang. I was okay with that. But the middle was just plain romance and a lot of cuddling. Even under the best situations, I am not a big fan of plain old romance. I rarely read it; I usually only read romantic suspense. The more usual type of romance is usually is too sweet for me. Despite the vampires (sparkling vampires at that) the middle of Twilight was no different. It was very hard to get past it. The only reason I did read it was because of all the damn hoopla and me trying to figure out what was so great about it.

Bella plays the damsel of distress frequently. There were times when I didn’t entirely buy it. There was that situation with the boys while in town and Edward rescuing her in his car. All I could think was, this is an excuse for Edward to rescue her.

The ending saves Twilight. It goes from 0 to 60 I was left staring at the page. See, if it had been like that the whole time I would understand why people are so crazy about it. As it is, I really don’t.

Grade: C+
